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Showing posts from July 26, 2016

Speed your lazy SD-card

When you will go through many SD cards you will notice that the speed of different SD card is different. So some of them are wit high speed and few with low speed. Here's a way to enhance the speed of your SD cards. Android users, this can be of great importance. If you’re constantly transferring files back and forth between your SD card and your computer, a faster card will help you do it, well, faster. It’s even more important for users, rooted and non-rooted alike, who store apps on their SD cards. A faster SD card will make those apps run smoother. If you are of the rooted class, you can actually boost your SD card’s speed with an app from the Market.        It might seem like snake oil, but the app really does work. What it does, as I learned in the accompanying xda thread, is allow your Android to read further ahead — that is, it can cache more data while the SD card process works. That might sound confusing, but liken it to peeking around the corner...

A Wonder Apps Hacks Facebook in Seconds Over Wi-Fi !!!!

Stealing cookies to potentially steal users' credentials just got so easy and portable that loony stalkers are probably jumping for joy. Picture this mobile-type scenario, as a person with a rooted Android smartphone casually strolls by a Starbucks, he or she taps once on a new app, and whammo, hops on and takes over Facebook profiles. Like a wicked mobile cousin of Firesheep, FaceNiff could allow even a clueless noob to hack Facebook over Wi-FI networks. The hacking app requires root access on Android phones. FaceNiff allows users to sniff and intercept web sessions for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Amazon, and Nasza-Klasa (a Polish site). Unlike Firesheep, the FaceNiff app listens in on wireless networks encrypted with WPA and WPA2 (WEP too) so that with one tap and within seconds, users can hijack the account types supported. Not that you intend to try out FaceNiff, but you can't hijack more than three profiles. However, FaceNiff app developer Bartosz Ponur...